The user doc for TBLPROPERTIES needs work.  Currently the DDL wikidoc only
says this:

The TBLPROPERTIES clause allows you to tag the table definition with your
own metadata key/value pairs.

But some table properties have predefined keys and values.
HIVE-6406<>will add
"immutable" -- how many others already exist?  Are they all listed
in one file and distinguishable from internal parameters, or just scattered
throughout the code?

A quick search found orc.compress (example in
and & (in has several more listed
after orc.compress (some mentioned in

This might be a can of worms but the wiki should list all predefined keys
and their possible values, with version information where needed.  I
suggest a new subsection in the Create Table section of DDL:

   - Language Manual - DDL - Create

Then particular table properties can be mentioned in their topic docs (like
ORC) with links to the DDL doc.

This message can be converted to a JIRA ticket later, but now I'm just
looking for information.

Hearts & flowers & chocolate to all on Valentine's Day. -- Lefty

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