I seen few inaccuracies in the wiki about some properties.

Just few questions, how to report it? To who?

For example, this page (1) say that property "hive.fetch.task.conversion" has default value of "minimal".
But that's wrong.

(1) https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Configuration+Properties#ConfigurationProperties-QueryandDDLExecution


Damien CAROL

 * tél : +33 (0)4 74 96 88 14
 * fax : +33 (0)4 74 96 31 88
 * email :dca...@blitzbs.com <mailto:dca...@blitzbs.com>


Le 22/08/2014 09:50, Lefty Leverenz a écrit :
The backlog of Hive wikidoc tasks is large, and keeps on growing.

Jiras that need documentation:

    25 for releases 0.10, 0.11, and 0.12  (only 17 have TODOC labels)
    37 for release 0.13  (only 25 have TODOC13 label)
    99 for release 0.14  (only 72 have TODOC14 label)


      5 doc tasks not associated with jiras
    36 wish-list tasks (clarifications, new docs, improvements)
  ~10 tasks or projects not associated with email

These numbers are probably inaccurate but they give the general idea.

Lately I've been making progress at a rate of 1 or 2 per day.  I could do
more if I stopped monitoring the mailing lists, but then (a) we'd miss a
fair number of doc tasks, and (b) at best I might manage 4 a day.

Some doc tasks can and should be done by developers, but IMHO the bulk of
these tasks should be handled by tech writers.  My attempts to recruit more
volunteers have failed so far, although I'll keep trying.  Can we get some
corporate support for the Hive wiki?

-- Lefty

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