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(Updated Oct. 24, 2014, 4:51 p.m.)

Review request for hive and Xuefu Zhang.


Thanks Xuefu for the comments. I've updated my patch.

Bugs: HIVE-8457

Repository: hive-git


Currently, on the Spark branch, each thread it is bound with a thread-local 
IOContext, which gets initialized when we generates an input HadoopRDD, and 
later used in MapOperator, FilterOperator, etc.
And, given the introduction of HIVE-8118, we may have multiple downstream RDDs 
that share the same input HadoopRDD, and we would like to have the HadoopRDD to 
be cached, to avoid scanning the same table multiple times. A typical case 
would be like the following:
     inputRDD     inputRDD
        |            |
       MT_11        MT_12
        |            |
       RT_1         RT_2
Here, MT_11 and MT_12 are MapTran from a splitted MapWork,
and RT_1 and RT_2 are two ReduceTran. Note that, this example is simplified, as 
we may also have ShuffleTran between MapTran and ReduceTran.
When multiple Spark threads are running, MT_11 may be executed first, and it 
will ask for an iterator from the HadoopRDD will trigger the creation of the 
iterator, which in turn triggers the initialization of the IOContext associated 
with that particular thread.
Now, the problem is: before MT_12 starts executing, it will also ask for an 
iterator from the
HadoopRDD, and since the RDD is already cached, instead of creating a new 
iterator, it will just fetch it from the cached result. However, this will skip 
the initialization of the IOContext associated with this particular thread. 
And, when MT_12 starts executing, it will try to initialize the MapOperator, 
but since the IOContext is not initialized, this will fail miserably.

Diffs (updated)

  ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/spark/SparkUtilities.java 4de3ad4 
  ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/io/IOContext.java 5fb3b13 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/27117/diff/


All multi-insertion related tests are passing on my local machine.


Chao Sun

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