
I ran the following command.

Now we can merge pending pull requests from JIRA-22/pr-xxx branches :-)



git clone https://github.com/myui/hivemall.git incubator-hivemall

git checkout -b tmp 5114d8f289025350b85f30472f4eb122817cae82
git branch -d master
git checkout -b master
git branch -d tmp

git checkout -b JIRA-22/pr-385 origin/feature_selection

git checkout master
git checkout -b JIRA-22/pr-356
git pull https://github.com/takuti/hivemall.git sst-changepoint

git checkout master
git checkout -b JIRA-22/pr-336
git pull https://github.com/amaya382/hivemall.git feature/systemtest

git checkout master
git checkout -b JIRA-22/pr-304
git pull https://github.com/L3Sota/hivemall.git feature/kernelized_pa

git checkout -b JIRA-22/pr-285
git pull https://github.com/maropu/hivemall.git AddOptimizers
>> resolve conflict
git add spark/spark-2.0/src/test/scala/hivemall/mix/server/MixServerSuite.scala
git commit
git checkout master


git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch
lib/ target/*.jar' --tag-name-filter cat --prune-empty -- --all
rm -rf .git/refs/original/
git reflog expire --expire=now --all
git gc --aggressive --prune=now


git remote rm origin
git remote add origin

git config user.email m...@apache.org

git push origin :v0.4.2-rc.2
git push origin :v0.5-alpha.1


git push -f -u origin master
git push origin v0.4.2-rc.2
git push origin v0.5-alpha.1
git push --all origin


git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-hivemall.git
cd incubator-hivemall

git_find_big.sh | head -10

All sizes are in kB's. The pack column is the size of the object,
compressed, inside the pack file.
size  pack  SHA                                       location
3982  702   8233e5c127a481615c2c9f3f67092d36996b1f21
1391  1383  b8d432e6a3c0074951abd35caf0a777caf47afbf
765   303   11c617713ee2ad3f847aee7627ee8639c5a79667
639   613   de4e32983604238bc72fe3f6cb6beea76fde0e8d
382   117   8b66187fe067c3aa389ce8c98108f349ceae159c
220   192   04d8605fd8daaafa72a2b6dfa2a2d48c75c57a10
194   186   fb29a3d2ee04b7981463de89a77ccc7436f4ad9a
191   76    e00b1127f6fb4fdcc1606a20b05e16b5456acacc

2016-12-02 14:26 GMT+09:00 Makoto Yui <yuin...@gmail.com>:
> Kai,
> I got a good idea.
> Rewriting history of those pull requests and import those branches to
> ASF repository.
> Makoto
> 2016-12-02 9:48 GMT+09:00 Kai Sasaki <sas...@treasure-data.com>:
>> Hi
>> Sounds good. I’ll ask some contributors to submit PR against 
>> apache/incubator-hivemall.
>> Or can we do by ourselves? If so review should be done with current PRs.
>> I think these 4 PRs can be ready to be merged before v0.5-rc1. We can mainly 
>> review these PRs.
>> - Feature selection
>> - SST-based change finder
>> - checkstyle
>> - System test
>> Kai
>>> On 2016 Dec 1, at 19:05, Makoto Yui <m...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I created an umbrella ticket for creating the first Apache release of
>>> Hivemall (v0.5-rc.1).
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVEMALL-21
>>> Issues to be resolved in v0.5-rc.1 should be linked to the ticket.
>>> I would like to release the first apache release in Q1, 2017, possibly in 
>>> Feb.
>>> We need to review/fix/merge the pending PRs.
>>> https://github.com/myui/hivemall/pulls
>>> Also, we need to be managed them on ASF JIRA.
>>> We can invite some of contributors to Hivemall committers :-)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Makoto

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