Quick reminder that the vote closes in 4 hours.  Check it out.

Lewis, check out my NOTICE.txt explanation as well.

You can take a look at my public key at
http://people.apache.org/~cmccabe/htrace/releases/KEYS.  Stack signed when
we met up in San Francisco.

I also checked the key into

r10450 | cmccabe | 2015-09-08 18:41:03 +0000 (Tue, 08 Sep 2015) | 1 line

Add public key for cmcc...@apache.org

I'm not sure why it hasn't shown up on
http://archive.apache.org/dist/incubator/htrace/KEYS ... is there something
I need to do to "publish" it from the svn repo?


On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 4:02 PM, Colin P. McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:

> I've posted the first release candidate here:
> http://people.apache.org/~cmccabe/htrace/releases/4.0.0/rc0
> The jars have been staged here:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachehtrace-1017
> There's a lot of great stuff in this release, including a new web UI,
> many bug fixes, API improvements and enlargement of span IDs to 128
> bits to avoid conflicts.
> The vote will run for 5 days.
> cheers,
> Colin
> Release Notes - HTrace - Version 4.0
> ** Sub-task
>     * [HTRACE-208] - Remove deprecated addKVAnnotation(byte[], byte[])
> method
>     * [HTRACE-209] - Make span ID 128 bit to avoid collisions
>     * [HTRACE-210] - Remove TrueIfTracingSampler
>     * [HTRACE-211] - Move htrace-core classes to the
> org.apache.htrace.core namespace
>     * [HTRACE-212] - Change version to 4.0
>     * [HTRACE-214] - De-globalize Tracer.java
>     * [HTRACE-215] - Simplify the Sampler type
>     * [HTRACE-216] - SpanReceivers should not fill in ProcessId
>     * [HTRACE-217] - Rename ProcessId to TracerId
>     * [HTRACE-222] - Add SpanReceiverPool
>     * [HTRACE-228] - Fix subprojects to refer to new
> org.apache.htrace.core namespace
>     * [HTRACE-229] - htrace-webapp needs to be updated to refer to
> "tracerid" not "processid"
> ** Bug
>     * [HTRACE-159] - libhtrace.so: use HRPC endpoint of htraced
>     * [HTRACE-164] - htrace hrpc: use msgpack for serialization
>     * [HTRACE-166] - Add tabbed view
>     * [HTRACE-167] - Update go build instructions in BUILDING.txt
>     * [HTRACE-171] - htraced godeps should use
> github.com/ugorji/go/codec rather than github.com/ugorji/go
>     * [HTRACE-174] - Refactor GUI
>     * [HTRACE-177] - htrace-zipkin: shade all dependencies
>     * [HTRACE-182] - htraced: add rpm build via -Prpm
>     * [HTRACE-189] - gui: fix error handling in a few places
>     * [HTRACE-190] - htraced: allow querying by process ID
>     * [HTRACE-191] - gui: add "duration" to span details, filter out
> "selected"
>     * [HTRACE-192] - gui: when expanding parents or children, sort the
> spans by begin time
>     * [HTRACE-193] - gui: avoid doing multiple redraws when
> spanResults is updated
>     * [HTRACE-196] - gui: add scrolling for spans view
>     * [HTRACE-201] - htrace-web: URL-Encode query JSON
>     * [HTRACE-202] - htrace-web: fix "converting circular object to
> JSON" error when pressing "clear" button
>     * [HTRACE-218] - Fix issues with finding json-c includes and librt
> in the native library
>     * [HTRACE-219] - Add -Dleveldb.prefix and -Djsonc.prefix build options
>     * [HTRACE-220] - htraced: should be able to set log.path to the
> empty string via "-Dlog.path=" on the command line
>     * [HTRACE-223] - gobuild.sh: fix issue where maven succeeds if go
> build fails
>     * [HTRACE-224] - htrace C client: htrace_conf_get_u64,
> htrace_conf_get_double can't handle spaces at the end of strings
>     * [HTRACE-230] - Make TracerBuilder like all other Builders; an
> internal rather than adjacent class
>     * [HTRACE-233] - htrace-zipkin should explicitly include slf4j-api
> to avoid ClassNotFoundException
>     * [HTRACE-234] - Add workaround to prevent htrace-hbase from
> getting in an infinite loop while creating the dependency-reduced pom
> ** Improvement
>     * [HTRACE-29] - add javascript web UI for htraced
>     * [HTRACE-160] - htraced: support continuing a query from where
> the client left it off by sending a previous span
>     * [HTRACE-162] - htraced hrpc: some logging improvements
>     * [HTRACE-170] - Optimize use of Random in htrace-core by using
> ThreadLocalRandom
>     * [HTRACE-172] - Move minJdk to 1.7 (JDK 7)
>     * [HTRACE-175] - Add Trace#addKVAnnotation convenience method
>     * [HTRACE-176] - Expose ZipkinSpanReceiver configuration keys
> externally
>     * [HTRACE-180] - Move the GUI to a top-level subproject
>     * [HTRACE-184] - Expose PROCESS_ID_KEY configuration key
>     * [HTRACE-186] - gui: support finding the parents and children of
> spans, add owl
>     * [HTRACE-194] - gui: support multiple selections, zooming to fit
> a group of spans, deleting a group of spans
>     * [HTRACE-197] - htraced build: set RUNPATH if possible
>     * [HTRACE-199] - gui: Double clicking on spans should bring up span
> details
>     * [HTRACE-203] - htrace-web: pressing enter should dismiss the
> modal dialog box
>     * [HTRACE-204] - htrace-web: add draggable bar which allows more
> or less visual space for process name in search view
>     * [HTRACE-205] - htrace-web: Width of SearchResultsView should be
> uppdated along with resizing of browser window
>     * [HTRACE-206] - htrace-web: when the canvas has focus, the delete
> key should clear, z key should zoom
>     * [HTRACE-221] - htraced: search /etc/htraced/conf for the htraced
> configuration by default
>     * [HTRACE-227] - Remove dependency to non-public API of
> hadoop-common from htrace-hbase
> ** New Feature
>     * [HTRACE-143] - htraced search GUI enhancements
> ** Task
>     * [HTRACE-183] - htraced: move src/go directory to go
> ** Test
>     * [HTRACE-213] - Add test for ZipkinSpanReceiver

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