Hello Apache Friends,

I am trying to track down a possible issue that Accumulo is having with a
test in our Shell code that does some tracing.  The test is
it will periodically fail looking for the trace "sendMutations" on line

I can't figure out if this is an issue with Htrace version 3.1.0-incubation
or something crazy we are doing with multithreading.  When the test is run
through Maven, the trace seems to always be unrooted:
The following spans are not rooted (probably due to a parent span of length
    2+136    master@ PopulateMetadata
    1+137    tserver@ wal
    1+137    tserver@ update
    4+140    master@ FinishCreateTable
    1+1340   master@
    1+1340   master@ sendMutations

But when I perform the same trace through the Accumulo shell, entering the
commands manually, it seems to work OK:
    5+33230          master@ close
    1+33230            master@ BinMutations 1
    4+33231              master@
    4+33231                master@ sendMutations

The code that is doing the trace is in our TabletServerBatchWriter here

I have thought of two possible reasons we are having problems...
1 - We are tracing in 2 separate thread pools and htrace gets confused:
In org/apache/accumulo/core/client/impl/TabletServerBatchWriter.java
BinMutations trace:
binningThreadPool.execute(Trace.wrap(new Runnable() {
And sendMutations trace:
sendThreadPool.submit(Trace.wrap(new SendTask(server)));

2 - We change the name of the current thread just before starting the
"sendMutations" trace:
In TabletServerBatchWriter.SendTask.send()

Any ideas/insight would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!
- Mike

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