On Sat, 25 Aug 2001, Ryan Bloom wrote:

> On Saturday 25 August 2001 20:06, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> > Actually, they are very different.  I don't know which we will endorse.
> > I'd expect performance testing to answer the question...
> I only added the AddType stuff back for backwards compat.  The handler
> doesn't actually exist.  We just use the handler as a way to tell mod_include
> to add the filter to the chain.  If you use the handler, the INCLUDES filter
> will always run immediately after the default-handler

Right, but neither of you answered my question about whether my
description was accurate and complete.

Anyway, I will dodge the issue by just saying something along the lines of
"for backwards compatability, the server-parsed handler is still
available", and I will hope someone deals with the configuration issue on
the filters eventually.


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