On Wed, 2001-08-29 at 10:28, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 09:25:13AM -0700, Ian Holsman wrote:
> > apache.org seems to have been running .24 (+mod_include fix)
> > for a while now (>3days).
> > 
> > How about we Tag&Roll .25 put it up on apache.org and if all goes 
> > well monday will be beta2 day.
> +1 for tagging what we have now.  I'm not aware of anything currently
> broken, but I would like to perform some sanity tests before we roll.  
> -- justin
the only thing broken is berkleyDBM support (but that has been broken 
for a long long time, and should hold us up)

Ian Holsman          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Performance Measurement & Analysis
CNET Networks   -   (415) 364-8608

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