Ryan Bloom wrote:

>>>I have some big problems with the way that location walk and directory
>>>walk work now, BTW, because if I write a module that doesn't get pages
>>>from the filesystem, I have to catch those in the map_to_storage hook,
>>>or the server will 500.
>>Hmm... I'd have thought that was the whole point of the map_to_storage
>>hook, if its name were any indication...  <shrug>
>It is, but if I am just putting together a quick module, to solve a problem and
>it generates the page itself, all I should have to do, is create a handler, like
>I did in 1.3.  If I also have to create a map_to_storage hook, then we will
>have broken a lot of 1.3 modules when they try to port, and I can't see a good
>reason for that.
>The map_to_storage hook should be an optimization that I want to use, not
>a requirement that I HAVE to use.
I disagree on this point.  For people who put their document root on an 
NFS server,
doing stats of the nonexistent file corresponding to your module's URI 
will be a
performance problem.  In my experience, it's a big enough performance 
problem that
the optimization shouldn't be considered optional.


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