Thanks for the response ken -

On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

> * On 2001-09-09 at 08:44,
>   sterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> excited the electrons to say:
> >
> >   i still say 'Require valid-user' should be handled by the core.... i've
> > said this before, but its kinda kludgy the way it is.  e.g: if you are
> > using mod_auth_db and have a 'Require valid-user' it only works if
> > mod_auth is enabled......
> That can really only happen after the auth and authz split does.
> As long as each module is required to be responsible for both,
> trying to do this would be a big piece of work.  In other words,
> it sure is not going to happen in 1.3.. :-)

auth and authz split? haven't they always been split (i.e. check_user_id
and auth_checker)?
maybe i missed a thread somewhere....
but either way - no check_user_id hooker should really be messing with
Require statements too much, no?

the way i see it a simple function (hooked in the auth_checker phase)
which looks for a 'Require valid-user' and returns OK if it finds one
would solve this problem....... (in 1.3 or 2.0).


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