I just noticed a feature of IIS 5.0 which is (if I am correct)
impossible to do with Apache (1.3/2.0), albeit very useful. It
is the the possibility to use multiple authentication schemes
in parallel, with the client selecting the most appropriate

Without much explanation, here's a response header of IIS5 for a
request requiring authentication:

  HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
  Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
  Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 14:01:05 GMT
  WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
  WWW-Authenticate: NTLM
  WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="my.fsc.net"
  Set-Cookie: RQFW={CC8D82ED-2EC6-446D-8013-68DA01CFE353}; path=/;
  Cache-Control: private
  Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
  Content-Length: 1509

For Apache, the alternatives "Basic" and "Digest" would be more appropriate,
of course. But AFAICS Apache does not allow for accepting multiple
schemes alternatively.

In RFC2617, I find a reference of multiple WWW-Authenticate headers:

>  4.6 Weakness Created by Multiple Authentication Schemes
>      An HTTP/1.1 server may return multiple challenges with a 401 (Authenticate) 
>response, and each challenge may use a different auth-scheme. A user agent MUST 
>choose to use the
>      strongest auth- scheme it understands and request credentials from the user 
>based upon that challenge. 
>      Note that many browsers will only recognize Basic and will require that it be 
>the first auth-scheme presented. Servers should only include Basic if it is minimally 
>      When the server offers choices of authentication schemes using the 
>WWW-Authenticate header, the strength of the resulting authentication is only as good 
>as that of the of the
>      weakest of the authentication schemes. See section 4.8 below for discussion of 
>particular attack scenarios that exploit multiple authentication schemes. 

Now my question is:

* is this feature standardized? (The first "WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate"
  looks fishy to me)

* how could Apache be configured to support multiple auth schemes for
  a given resource in parallel? Currently, "AuthType Digest" allows
  only one argument, and using it multiple times just replaces the
  current setting.

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