I just tried to pull up this:


And got this:

Python Exception Occurred
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/home/gstein/viewcvs/lib/viewcvs.py", line 2231, in run_cgi
  File "/home/gstein/viewcvs/lib/viewcvs.py", line 2210, in main
  File "/home/gstein/viewcvs/lib/viewcvs.py", line 1849, in view_annotate
    blame.make_html(request.cvsroot, request.where + ',v', rev)
  File "/home/gstein/viewcvs/lib/blame.py", line 608, in make_html
    revision = parser.parse_cvs_file(filename, opt_rev)
  File "/home/gstein/viewcvs/lib/blame.py", line 499, in parse_cvs_file
    raise RuntimeError, 'error: illegal RCS file'
RuntimeError: error: illegal RCS file

Is there really a corruption in the ,v file or is it something simple?
I've never seen this message before (other files I looked at currently
work fine, btw).


   Cliff Woolley
   Charlottesville, VA

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