On Thursday 20 September 2001 11:14 am, Bill Stoddard wrote:
> This last one is inconsistent with your other changes.  In the threaded
> MPM, a 'Server' by your defn is a thread. MaxRequestsPerChild is used to
> limit the number of requests a 'process' serves before going away.
> In past discussions, we have almost settled on the notion of a "worker" as
> being the thing capable of serving a request.
> MinSpareWorkers
> MaxSpareWorkers
> StartWorkers - ??? What do we want the option to do? Startup this number of
> worker threads or startup this number of child processes?

I think we want to keep Start* as the number of processes to start, because 
otherwise, we have to deal with people asking for 30 threads to start, and 25
threads per process.  In that case, we would have to tweak their values.  I would
prefer to do that as little as possible.  

> WorkersPerProcess
> MaxRequestsPerChild (or MaxRequestsPerProcess)
> Okay, changing topics only slightly... how about we replace
> MinSpare[Threads|Servers|Workers] and MaxSpare[Threads|Servers|workers]
> with a single directive, Spare[Threads|Servers|Workers]?

How would you do that?  We want the range, so that we don't have to kill
of servers unless we have too many.  I guess my only complaint with a single
directive, is that it is removing control.  Instead of being able to say, leave
between 5 and 10 processes waiting idle, we have to say leave 8 processes
waiting idle.


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Covalent Technologies                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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