On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 01:45:32PM -0700, Brian Pane wrote:
> To me, a useful release plan is one that:
>   * tells developers working on httpd-2.0 what the important things to
>     work on for 2.0-GA are,

And the developers will continue to work on what they *want* to work on.
There is no hierarchy, and no task assignments in (most) open source

If somebody is interested in getting a release done, then they will identify
the showstoppers (which are ideally already listed in STATUS) and work on

The hope is that non-release-interested developers are not getting in the
way of release developers. I believe that is the case. Nobody is really
committing drastic revamps to the core without some review (e.g. Justin's
input filtering fixes). Changes to modules can (almost) never impact the
release stability.

>   * tells 3rd-party module developers what sort of interface they can
>     expect, and

Those can change up until release, and even after that. Hopefully, we keep
that at a minimum, but Apache is about writing the best code possible. And
that can mean that interfaces may have to change.

>   * tells end users what feature set and performance characteristics
>     they can expect.

We aren't organized enough to do that. That requires a management process,
which is more or less forbidden :-)

> The "tag when you believe it is appropriate" model is an effective process
> for software builds, but not necessarily for product releases.

Depends upon your point of view. Given the circumstances, I believe it to be
very effective. It is simply that Apache has had so much change over the
past couple years, that we still are not at a stable spot.

For example, we're still finding interesting things to do with the brigades.
We're still refining their functionality. We've got architecture issues with
input filtering. And that is just one piece of the code.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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