Hi Mark,
> I wrote an example sometime in July/Aug but didn't get around to porting
> it to 2.0.  Here is what we have so far

>   http://www.awe.com/mark/dev/mod_status_xml/

I've tested your module on Linux, NetWare and Win32, and used Mozilla 0.9.4 to diplay,
here's what I get:

- on Linux and NetWare I only get the data unformated back, looks as there are 
problems with the scoreboard.xsl or so. Any ideas what's going wrong here? I looked 
into access_log and the scoreboard.xsl is retrieved, but it looks like Mozilla doesnt 
use it then.
- on Win32 it looks fine, but here another problem occures: stupid M$ doesnt return 
abbreviations with srtftime() but huge strings instead: 
time="20011003062706W. Europe Daylight Time"
and in addition national characters which I'm not sure are allowed in xml:
time="20011003052554Westeuropaeische Sommerzeit"
- 3 chars for the timezone abbreviation is too short; even on Linux many TZs have 4 
- some kByte outputs appear with a huge number of digits behind the comma:
this is perhaps a problem of Mozilla as it doesnt appear in the returned data but only 
in the browsers output.

you should really change the TZ to numerous expression as Sander already suggested:

> I would also consider potentially using a different way to handle time such
> as NTP Timestamps and adding a numeric time zone. The current method works
> perfectly, 
unfortunately it does not work perfectly on Win32.

> but to do some mathematical calculations it might be useful to
> have it expressed differently.

also while testing I got some segfaults on NT4 SP6a (on W2K not), but I'm not sure if 
it comes from mod_status_xml, I will make some further tests...

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