SUMMARY: no worries for 1.3.21; the effect is a less-than-optimal fatal
error message. Will patch in a moment.


Whoops... yes, there *is* a logic error there. The logic should be checking
for the presence of ./lib/expat-lite

Oh... crap. And yes... now I see what you mean about the typo managing to
make this work. grr grumble.

All righty. My original note stands about the purpose of the check (re: the
point about wanting to disable the use of the system expat). But the check
there is wrong.

This will *not* affect the 1.3.21 release. The check is simply to provide a
nice error message when lib/expat-lite is *removed* from the source
distribution. We don't do that, and specifically decided against offering
that as a choice in *our* distributions (third parties could always choose
to do so). Should lib/expat-lite be missing, then in the *default* case,
RULE_EXPAT will be set to no, and we'd be set. The real problem comes up
with a redistributor or third-party module setting RULE_EXPAT to yes and no
system expat, and no expat-lite. In this case, the "nice" error message will
fail to trigger, and we'll end up with a failure trying to config/build the
(missing) expat-lite directory.

Thanks for locating this Jim!


On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 11:37:55AM -0400, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> Just saw this in Configure after Cliff's note (which is resolved):
> ####################################################################
> ## Add in the Expat library if needed/wanted.
> ##
> # set the default, based on whether expat-lite is bundled. if it is present,
> # then we can always include expat.
> if [ "x$RULE_EXPAT" = "xdefault" ]; then
>     if [ -d ./lib/expat-lite/ ]; then
>         RULE_EXPAT=yes
>     else
>         RULE_EXPAT=no
>     fi
> fi
> if [ "x$RULE_EXPAT" = "xyes" ]; then
>     if ./helpers/TestCompile lib expat; then
>         echo " + using system Expat"
>         LIBS="$LIBS -lexpat"
>     else
>         if [ "$xRULE_EXPAT" = "xyes" ]; then
>       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>             echo "ERROR: RULE_EXPAT set to \"yes\" but is not available."
>           exit 1
>         fi
>         echo " + using builtin Expat"
>         EXPATLIB="lib/expat-lite/libexpat.a"
>         APLIBDIRS="expat-lite $APLIBDIRS"
>         CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DUSE_EXPAT -I\$(SRCDIR)/lib/expat-lite"
>     fi
> fi
> Note the line above the '^^^^'. Luckily, this section still works
> as required (lucky typo)... But there's a mismatch of logic here, regarding
> what the EXPAT rule really means... Right now, if there's a system
> expat lib, it will *always* be chosen, and there's no way to bypass
> that. Up to now, I think we've always been using expat-lite... Because
> of this, it's pretty important that we test out 1.3.21 as well as
> possible, especially with those platforms that provide expat. I
> don't think there's a need to hold off on 1.3.21 at present though.
> Sorry I didn't notice this sooner... After the dust settles I'll
> adjust this section to deal with the new logic.
> -- 
> ===========================================================================
>    Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
>       "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
>                    will lose both and deserve neither"

Greg Stein,

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