On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, Zvi Har'El wrote:

> In the latest CVS snapshot of apache2, proxy_http.c has a bug, in the function
> ap_proxy_http_determine_connection(), which, among other things, prepares the
> string server_portstr which is used in the Via header.
> prepares this string is
> This is a (tested) patch which does that:
To eliminate any douts, here is the patch as a unified CVS diff:

Index: proxy_http.c
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/httpd-2.0/modules/proxy/proxy_http.c,v
retrieving revision 1.104
diff -u -r1.104 proxy_http.c
--- proxy_http.c        2001/10/14 20:41:00     1.104
+++ proxy_http.c        2001/10/29 13:22:18
@@ -194,7 +194,8 @@
                                                 char **url,
                                                 const char *proxyname,
                                                 apr_port_t proxyport,
-                                                char *server_portstr) {
+                                                char *server_portstr,
+                                               int server_portstr_size) {
     int server_port;
     apr_status_t err;
     apr_sockaddr_t *uri_addr;
@@ -253,7 +254,7 @@
         if (ap_is_default_port(server_port, r)) {
         } else {
-            apr_snprintf(server_portstr, sizeof(server_portstr), ":%d",
+            apr_snprintf(server_portstr, server_portstr_size, ":%d",
@@ -940,7 +941,8 @@
     /* Step One: Determine Who To Connect To */
     status = ap_proxy_http_determine_connection(p, r, p_conn, c, conf, uri,
                                                 &url, proxyname, proxyport,
-                                                server_portstr);
+                                               server_portstr,
+                                               sizeof(server_portstr));
     if ( status != OK ) {
         return status;

Dr. Zvi Har'El     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Department of Mathematics
tel:+972-54-227607                   Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
fax:+972-4-8324654 http://www.math.technion.ac.il/~rl/     Haifa 32000, ISRAEL
"If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all." -- Thumper (1942)
                             Monday, 12 Heshvan 5762, 29 October 2001,  3:32PM

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