On Wednesday, 19 Dec 2001, at 17:31:01,
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> Any details about proxy not working on AIX?
> Are there still issues with libtool on AIX?  -- justin

Not at the moment...

The issue is as follows: mod_proxy_{connect,ftp,http} all depend on
symbols in mod_proxy. Run-time linking (as added by Jeff) fixes the
problem for most modules (including DAV and DAV_fs, which depends on
DAV), but proxy is still being the odd man out, for whatever reason.
This is (likely) not libtool's fault this time (I can't believe I just
typed that), but the issue has not yet been properly diagnosed.

However, I believe Jeff is speaking to the libtool guys re: their
handling of shared {libraries,objects} on AIX, w.r.t. other issues.

Victor J. Orlikowski   | The Wall is Down, But the Threat Remains!

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