On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 05:30:15PM -0500, Bill Stoddard wrote:
> Good points. Consider this though... we have not released a 2.0 beta yet that 
> prebuilt binaries. binbuild was seriously broken in 2.0.28, so much so, that it was 
> feasible to build binaries. I would not be against tagging but holding off going for 
> beta if we can get the four things on your short list completed in a reasonable 
>amount of
> time. We gotta get 2.0 out in the hands of more people and the sooner the better. My 

Great. Let's tag/roll/release this as an alpha then.

Who says we can't call it alpha? If that is what we want to call it, then
fine. We can also release it as "beta quality, but no binary builds this


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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