Any important site that relies on uptime -should- have some thought 
already put into it.  If something fails, some procedure immediately 
takes steps to fix it, i.e. a watchdog that restarts apache.

If you don't have something like this in place and you are relying so 
heavily on uptime, you are foolishly dancing on the edge of the cliff.

I vote for doing The Right Thing.  It isn't very hard to restart apache. 
 But I do recommend a N second delay or some method to gracefully 
terminate as many connections as possible so the world doesn't see any 


Bill Stoddard wrote:

>>Bill Stoddard wrote:
>>>Would you rather your entire website get whacked and go off
>>>line when this happens, or would you rather be able to set
>>>StartServers to an appropriately high number and set
>>>MaxRequestPerChild to 0 to enable your site to stay up?
>>I would rather have our free no-support software do the Right
>>Thing than have it do the Expedient Thing.
>It should do both :-)

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