On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 04:46:58PM -0800, Ian Holsman wrote:
> the NW patch is in there.
> the non-crap tarballs are in the /dist directory.
> who would have thought making a tar ball would be so hard.

No kidding.  It'll be easier next time.

After initially thinking there was a problem with graceful restarts
on prefork, it just appears to takes about 6 seconds to complete a
graceful restart cycle on my Linux 2.4.8 box.

In the meantime, ps lists the children processes as defunct (which
scared me off at first).  But, after about 6 seconds, httpd starts
serving again (incl. queued requests).  Anyway, this delay looks

I think this delay is acceptable, so I'm officially +1 on the
2.0.31 tarball for beta from:


Enjoy.  -- justin

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