The details...

It's a ColdFusion script, so the processing module is 
 The script runs, it just doesn't see any of the form data.  And I see 
the error logged with every post.

I'm using SSL, so I'm also configured with mod_ssl.

Interesting part is that it seems to be somehow related to which browser 
I use.  Noticed the problem with Mozilla 0.9.6.  Seems to work fine when 
client is IE.  Same module, same POST worked with previous builds of 
Apache and SSL and all client browsers.

Bill Stoddard wrote:

>POSTs to CGIs look okay in my testing. Can you provide a bit more info about your
>application? Is it a CGI?
>>I'm getting this error in my log file when I post a form, but the code
>>looks like it should be ignoring timeout errors.  Something is
>>definitely wrong with the handling of the request because it appears
>>that all of the form data is missing.
>>The full error message is...
>>[Mon Feb 04 09:00:03 2002] [error] [client] (32560)Connection
>>timed out: read_request_line() failed
>>This is a build of the latest tarball (2.0.31) running on Win2000 system.
>>Any thoughts on how to track down what is going on?

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