From: "Stas Bekman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 11:18 PM

> >>I think it's a bug. The sub-directory can be password-protected. Does it 
> >>mean that mod_autoindex won't display it, since it'll fail to run the 
> >>sub-request?
> >>
> > 
> > By design, for better or worse [feel free to debate here.]
> > 
> > The new logic [perhaps 1.3 as well, you would have to look] does a subrequest 
> > on the /~stas/ url ... and decides it's broken [or inaccessable, or whatever] 
> > and autoindex won't display it.  What's broken about not displaying things that
> > the user cannot access?
> I gave an example of a password protected sub-directory. You say that 
> it's correct not to display it then? How do you know whether the user 
> cannot access this directory? May be he does have the needed access 
> credentials.

Fair enough - we can rescope the rules.  Right now 200s and 300s pass.  The test
is right there in autoindex if you would like to change it.

Personally, I never want to see 500'ed resources return OK ;-/

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