(This posting maybe a dupe, I hope it's not)

  If I start Apache 2 as a service, I get the following lines in my

[Wed Feb 06 06:29:27 2002] [crit] (22506)The handle is invalid.: child:
Unable to access scoreboard handle from parent
[Wed Feb 06 06:29:28 2002] [crit] (22505)Access denied: Parent:
Unable to duplicate the scoreboard handle to the child
[Wed Feb 06 06:29:28 2002] [crit] (22505)Access denied:
master_main: create child process failed. Exiting.

  If I start Apache.exe from the commandline, I get no such entries, but
  requesting a document causes Apache.exe to eat CPU time. I see two
  Apache processes in Win2K's task-manager, each using 10 to 30% of the
  CPU time.

  Sebastian Bergmann
  http://sebastian-bergmann.de/                 http://phpOpenTracker.de/

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