This from a binary of apache 2.0.32 I made and a couple of folks have now
reported a problem. This is the best report...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nate LaCourse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: Quick question about building Apache 2.0.32

> There's a problem with one of my CGI scripts.  It was there in 2.0.32-beta
> too.  If I access this CGI from the server machine, it's weird.  From any
> other machine, it's fine.  Take a look:
> This is the CGI (it'll take a while to load):
> This is a screenshot of me accessing the CGI from the server machine:
> Weird, huh?  It happens using Opera and BeZilla too.  This problem wasn't
> present in 2.0.28-beta.

Anyone any ideas before I blow a while looking for the cause? Looks like the
content type isn't getting set?

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