Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

>On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 12:16:39AM -0800, Brian Pane wrote:
>>This reminds me: mod_mime needs some performance work.
>>I probably won't have time to address this between now
>>and 2.0 GA, and the performance problem isn't big
>>enough to be a GA showstopper, but I'll summarize the
>>issues here in case anyone else is interested in tackling
>>the problem.
>Hehe.  I just tried to tackle it and Remove*Filter has got
>me beaten.  I give up.

Thanks for trying.  I'll try to build upon your patch when I have
time (hopefully this weekend or next).

>Also, I'll ask again, is there any function where you can pass in a
>filter name and receive the handle?  (Since you only have the name,
>you can't register it.)  I'm thinking we have to traverse the trie,
>right?  But, there's no function now.  Oh, joy.  Another function
>for me to write.  =)

I don't think there's a function like this, but I can add one.
It would basically be just add_any_filter() with most of the
code removed.


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