I know I am about two days late, but better late than never.

There is a new mailing list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  This list is to
be used for re-writing and maintaining modules.apache.org.

While we are at it, Covalent has decided to open archives.covalent.net
so that people can hack on that site as well.  Once we get a group of
people on the mailing list to discuss how we want to do
modules.apache.org, we can decide if and how we want to tackle
archives.covalent.net, and that can include re-naming it to
archives.apache.org, although Covalent would like to keep an alias to
archives.covalent.net as well.

BTW, please keep in mind that the administration of this machine is
being done by Covalent employees in their spare time, so be patient if
something goes wrong.

One more thing, the mailing list is setup, but the web server and CVS
aren't on this box yet.  I am hoping to do that later this weekend.  In
the mean-time, we can discuss how we will move forward, and CVS and web
will be available ASAP.


Ryan Bloom                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
645 Howard St.              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Francisco, CA 

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