> From: Joshua Slive [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 28 February 2002 16:54
> Subject: RE: [BUG] <Location /dir> doesn't work as expected when there
> is a /dir in the DocumentRoot
> > From: Sander Striker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Today Vlad Skvortsov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> stumbled over
> > a, IMO, showstopper.
> >
> > He was trying out subversion and had a config where
> > (simplified):
> >
> > DocumentRoot /home/svn
> >
> > <Location /home/svn/repos>
> >    DAV svn
> >    SVNPath /home/svn/repos
> > </Location>
> >
> > In the /home/svn path, there is a directory repos.
> > The directory seems to win over the Location (badness!).
> I may be missing something obvious, but let me make sure that you aren't:
> That location section only matches http://example.com/home/svn/repos/ so it
> seems perfectly resonable that if you request http://example.com/repos/ it
> will fall through to the actual directory.

Ick, my bad:

The location _is_:  <Location /repos>
> I think what you want is <Location /repos> or <Directory /home/svn/repos>
> Joshua.

I'll try to reproduce it myself in an hour.


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