On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 04:08:14PM -0500, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> Yep... Looks like it's no problem with 2.52. 
> Anyone have hearburn if I adjust buildcheck.sh to make 2.52 the
> new requirement?

IIRC, FreeBSD's ports package doesn't include anything beyond 2.13.
So, this will cause problems if we roll on icarus.  If I get a
chance, I'll try it with autoconf-2.13 here later on Solaris and see
if I can figure out what is going on.

FWIW, I know the FreeBSD case problem was fixed in autoconf's CVS
repository.  But, I know that I've found anything beyond 2.52 to
be remarkably unstable due to the braindead auto4mte.cache
directory.  -- justin

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