Aaron Bannert wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 05:12:58PM +0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>status_init() in mod_status initializes status_flags, server_limit and 
>>thread_limit. This is all nice for mod_status since it gets loaded 
>>before any threads are started. Under mod_perl Apache::Scoreboard (the 
>>Perl interface for scoreboard) can be loaded directly by the spawned 
>>threads. Therefore to avoid race condition one has to handle this with 
>>apr_thread_init_once, add the logic for prefork and you end up with an 
>>ugly code.
>>Can we change mod_status or scoreboard to export these variables similar 
>>to ap_scoreboard_image or export functions that will return these 
>>variables, which will tremendously simplify things?
> +1 for accessor functions.

regarding status_flags, should the accessor return a copy of the whole 
structure or just a pointer to it?

where should the accessors reside: scoreboard or mod_status?
Assuming that someone may want to use them without loading mod_status
I think scoreboard is the right place and mod_status itself can use these.

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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