On 20 Mar 2002, Jeff Trawick wrote:

| Can anybody verify the following on Solaris 7?
| a) APR recognizes and deems usable the OS's IPv6 support (i.e., it
|    sets APR_HAVE_IPV6)
| b) Apache IPv6 support doesn't interfere with normal operation on
|    IPv4-only host
| c) Apache is actually able to exploit IPv6 without any apparent
|    problems

I no-longer have a sol7 box on hand, but I do know that Solaris 7 does not
support IPv6... APR_HAVE_IPV6 should be undef'd.

IPv6 support in Solaris 7 was a internal Sun project, and the patches you
had to apply to sol7 to get IPv6 support could be applied only to Solaris
7 FCS (the first release, non-patched).


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