"William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I don't want to see us wait until April to circulate new, good code to our
> patient and dedicated testers.  We are really overdue for a beta.  

yep... it is definitely taking too long...  a number of bug reports
for stuff already fixed, a number of closed bug reports where users
need the opportunity to get the new code and verify for themselves

I'm glad you're pushing this.

>                                                                    OTOH,
> I don't need people moaning that I've just 'grabbed' a tag.

There is no reason for people to moan about that (but then you already
knew that :) ).  But a practical issue to consider, which is somewhat
related to the moaning, is that it takes a lot of effort to put out a
decent beta, so if you want to tag in hopes of capturing code that can
be released as a beta then you'll need to line up some help too.  (As
for me personally, I can make a fair amount of Wednesday/Thursday
available to help out.)

At the moment, I don't see anybody lined up to put it on daedalus and
run apache.org on it for a few days.  If my memory serves correctly,
that has always uncovered some issues.  Just as importantly, it has
given us a lot more confidence in the stability of the code.

Jeff Trawick | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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