Dale Ghent wrote:

>On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, Yusuf Goolamabbas wrote:
>| Well, That seems to be the view if one reads the following threads at
>| the postgres mailing list and Sun's developer connection
>| http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2002-04/msg00103.php
>| http://forum.sun.com/thread.jsp?forum=4&thread=7231
>| Don't know if those cases would be seen by Solaris users of Apache
>| 2.0.x, but it might be useful to snarf FreeBSD's qsort.c and link Apache
>| to it if a Solaris platform is detected
>Solaris 8 included a huge increase in qsort performance. What version are
>you using?

It's also worth noting that Apache 2.0 uses qsort a lot less
than 1.3 did.  In 1.x, the table code used qsort when merging
tables, so the httpd was guaranteed to do at least one qsort
call per request (for merging the request headers).  In 2.0,
the table merge implementation uses a different algorithm
that doesn't depend on the qsort.

There are a couple of special cases where qsort still is used
in request processing in 2.0: mod_negotiation and mod_autoindex,
for example.  I believe these two modules won't be vulnerable
to the performance problem because they'll always be sorting
an array containing no duplicate entries.


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