Hi Pier, 

I agree that many site put everything under ServerRoot,
but when you specify in config.layout that DocumentRoot
goes under /var/www2/html, you don't want to see the final
httpd.conf under /etc/httpd2/var/www2/html

FHS is very clear on where to deploy such datas and split
configuration, binaries, datas and logs...

That's a real problem today for ALL RPM distributions,
not only Linux but also the OpenPKG which is solaris/bsd based.

The only solution is to patch httpd-std.conf.in but it's allways
bad to patch like this, making it a pain at each release.

BTW, in Apache 1.3, Makefile.tmpl there is a second pass at
install time which replace @@ServerRoot@@


         cat $(TOP)/conf/$${conf}-dist ) |\
         sed -e '/# LoadModule/r $(TOP)/$(SRC)/.apaci.install.conf' \
            -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/htdocs/manual;$(manualdir);' \
            -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/htdocs;$(htdocsdir);' \
            -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/icons;$(iconsdir);' \
            -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/cgi-bin;$(cgidir);' \
            -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/proxy;$(proxycachedir);' \
            -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@;$(prefix);g' \
            -e 's;httpd\.conf;$(TARGET).conf;' \
            -e 's;logs/accept\.lock;$(runtimedir)/$(TARGET).lock;' \
            -e 's;logs/apache_runtime_status;$(runtimedir)/$(TARGET).scoreboard;' \
            -e 's;logs/httpd\.pid;$(runtimedir)/$(TARGET).pid;' \
            -e "s;logs/access_log;$(logfiledir)/$${target_prefix}access_log;" \
            -e "s;logs/error_log;$(logfiledir)/$${target_prefix}error_log;" \
            -e "s;logs/referer_log;$(logfiledir)/$${target_prefix}referer_log;" \
            -e "s;logs/agent_log;$(logfiledir)/$${target_prefix}agent_log;" \
            -e 's;conf/magic;$(sysconfdir)/magic;' \
            -e 's;conf/mime\.types;$(sysconfdir)/mime.types;' \
            -e 's;User nobody;User $(conf_user);' \
            -e 's;Group #-1;Group $(conf_group);' \
            -e 's;Group "#-1";Group $(conf_group);' \
            -e 's;Port 80;Port $(conf_port);' \
            -e 's;ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED];ServerAdmin $(conf_serveradmin);' \
            -e 's;ServerName new.host.name;ServerName $(conf_servername);' \
            > $(TOP)/$(SRC)/.apaci.install.tmp && \


Henri Gomez                 ___[_]____
EMAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED]        (. .)                     
PGP KEY : 697ECEDD    ...oOOo..(_)..oOOo...
PGP Fingerprint : 9DF8 1EA8 ED53 2F39 DC9B 904A 364F 80E6 

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pier Fumagalli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 2:56 PM
>Subject: Re: 2.0.35 binaries for Linux boxes
>> -    <Directory "@@ServerRoot@@/@rel_errordir@">
>> +    <Directory "@rel_errordir@">
>Those will screw up the whole httpd.conf in some cases... You 
>should really
>use "@exp_......dir@"...
>    Pier

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