At 09:50 AM 04/08/2002, Ryan Bloom wrote:
> > Ok, I've got two versions of httpd-2.0.35-i686-pc-linux.tar.gz, one
> > from a 2.2.18 RedHat 7.0 machine, and the other from a 2.4.9 
> RedHat 7.2
> > machine. What do I do with these now? How do I sign them? (I need 
> to
> > put my public key in the KEYS file, but I'm a little clumsy with 
> gpg.)
>If you key isn't already in the KEYS file, you can't release those 

Uh, why not?  As long as the key is in the KEYS file before the 
binaries are posted, what difference does it make when it was added?

Greg Marr
"We thought you were dead."
"I was, but I'm better now." - Sheridan, "The Summoning"

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