PS: If your line numbers match up with mine, line 562 of util_filter.c
(the one that your backtrace seems to indicate is crashing) is this:

   APR_BRIGADE_CONCAT(*saveto, *b);

> Make sure the brigade's "link" ring is intact all the way around in both
> directions, also.

So this part of what I asked you to take a look at becomes especially
important in this case... APR_BRIGADE_CONCAT is a constant-time operation
that works directly off the ->next and ->prev pointers of the two
brigades' sentinels.  It doesn't have to walk the list at all.  So verify
that both brigades are intact... one of them must not be.  :)

At that point, figuring out where the corruption occurs is where knowing
what the contents of the brigades are becomes useful.


   Cliff Woolley
   Charlottesville, VA

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