I might need sed, but sed is not a part of a normal Win2k dev environment.

Here is what is happening.

ssl_expr_parse.c/.h both exist in CVS and in tarballs.  However 
ssl_expr_parse.y is also present with a more recent date.  This forces a 
rebuild of the .c/.h files, and hence the search for sed, bison, etc. 
 Modifying the .c/.h files so that the make system believes they are 
more recent seems to work fine.  The system builds and seems to run fine.

Question:  Is the file ssl_expr_parse.y that is in CVS, truly more 
recent than the corresponding .c/.h files and do the .c/.h files need to 
be rebuilt and updated in CVS?

Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

>Dwayne Miller wrote:
>>Generating ssl_expr_parse.c/.h from ssl_expr_parse.y
>>'sed' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>>operable program or batch file.
>>'sed' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>  I think you need to have sed(.exe) in your path.

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