Just a side note, I use a wrapper for free() in my code, it checks to 
ensure the input isn't 0x0, frees the passed pointer, then sets the 
pointer to 0x0.  If the passed pointer is already 0x0, I log where it 
was called from so my logs show I'm doing a double free.  The added 
benefit of free(0x0) in itself on most platforms, it simply returns.


Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

>On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 07:17:39AM -0400, Jeff Trawick wrote:
>>backtrace in that post.  A rarer backtrace is where an internal free()
>>routine segfaults (perhaps similar to your backtrace, where some heap
>>structures are bogus, probably due to a bad free()?).
>I bet it could be related to a double-free condition.  That would
>make the most sense (to me).
>I'm not sure which commit Cliff is talking about to OS/2.
>Cliff?  -- justin

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