Hi all,
I (and many others) use the following for getting virus attacks into attack_log 
instead of access_log:

# configuration to direct logging of virus attacks to separate log
# make sure you comment out your old CustomLog directive!
# for more information refer to /manual/mod/mod_setenvif.html

SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "default\.ida?|root\.|cmd\.exe" is_attack

CustomLog logs/access_log common env=!is_attack
CustomLog logs/attack_log common env=is_attack

this works fine when I test from browser, but when the virus tries to access 
default.ida it is still logged in the access_log. The only difference you can see in 
the log is that the virus access is with HTTP/1.0 while my access from browser is with 
now my question:
is it possible that this the reason why the above config doesnt work as I expect??


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