At 03:40 PM 5/11/2002, Brian Pane wrote:
>Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>>  __imp__apr_strmatch_precompile@12: Unresolved external symbol
>I think this means that the new apr_strmatch.c source file
>in apr-util needs to be listed in aprutil.dsp.  Can someone
>familiar with the win32 build setup please advise on the details
>of what needs to be added?

Feel free to take notes :-)  Committed the fix.  The complicated
bit is that this falls into a new directory, which earns it it's own 'group'
(simply a branch in the 'tree view' of the sources).

Plus, I've put in 'placeholders' for ldap (need an apr_ldap_compat.hw)
as well as adding md4 (which was missing from the win32 build.)

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