At 12:01 AM 5/16/2002, Aaron Bannert wrote:
>On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 09:55:07PM -0700, Jon Travis wrote:
> > Apache uses PCRE for a few regexp operations, but external modules which
> > try to use other symbols (such as get_substring) el-kabong because Apache
> > isn't importing it.
> >
> > So, should:
> >
> > a) all these modules be linking in all of the PCRE symbols into themselves
> >
> > or
> >
> > b) Apache include PCRE symbols as part of the exports.c 'hack' variables.
> >
> >
> > I personally prefer 'b'.
>I think b's the way to go.
>An alternative might be to make PCRE a shared object where we provide
>the headers...

I prefer the alternative immeasurably.  I have as many issues about this 
as I would have about folks not being able to use raw SDBM or XML symbols in
libaprutil.  If we build, I think everyone would be content.

Option a. above is the rule, today, if you want predictable builds across all
platforms.  Option b. above is inexcusably crufty :-)


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