On Fri, 17 May 2002, Dale Ghent wrote:

> I have a user who uses and odd URL scheme on his website. He has a PHP
> script, "/d.php" that is referenced in following manner: "/d.php/foo.html"
> where the "/foo.html" bit is passwd tothe d.v php script and the PHP
> script generates dynamic content based on that argument.
> On 1.3.x, this works fine. All the propper headers and content are
> returned by the server to the client.
> But in Apache 2.0 (running the same versoin of PHP - 4.2.1) a 404 status
> is returned and the Content-Type header has "application/x-httpd-php"
> rather than "text/html."

Two things with Apache 2.0:

1) You need to set AcceptPathInfo On if you want to allow this behavior
2) Don't set the magic mime type application/x-httpd-php anymore, just
   do the AddOutputFilter PHP and AddInputFilter PHP directives.


   Cliff Woolley
   Charlottesville, VA

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