On 29 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> martin      02/05/29 10:39:23
>   Modified:    src      CHANGES
>                src/modules/standard mod_rewrite.c
>   Log:
>   Fix a problem in mod_rewrite which would lead to 400 Bad Request
>   responses for rewriting rules which resulted in a local path.

AHA!!!  That would explain why I just yesterday had to close a bug report
on 2.0 which complained about some (invalid) config that "worked" under
1.3 causing 400's under 2.0.  I didn't understand how it could have ever
worked under 1.3, but I didn't actually go look.  Having that conditional
backwards in 1.3 would definitely explain it.  :))

Good catch.


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