On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 12:54:39PM -0400, Bill Stoddard wrote:
> The above section of code looks like a potential endless loop if the brigade does not
> contain an EOS bucket. Should the check for child_stopped_reading occur after the
> apr_bucket_read below?

An EOS should be returned at some point - we get a brigade from the
input filters, read through the brigade, if we didn't see EOS, then
we repeat.  So, I'm not concerned about that - we'll have to get EOS.
If the client socket is disconnected or errors out, we'll return.

However, on the second point, you may well be right.  I wasn't 100%
sure if the check should be done before or after the apr_bucket_read.
Any reason why it should be after?  I was trying to save the read
call.  -- justin

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