Aaron Bannert wrote:
> > >BTW.. you do know that 64bit programs take a ~10% hit in performance
> > >don't you?
> Why's this?

Because of various reasons.

Maybe the major of them, is the size of used memory:

Memory usage is higher, because of default sizes of various types,
alignments, etc.
I/O is heavier too, because swapping needs to write/read larger memory

In specific cases, the performance may be improved by using 64bit.
For example, in programs that heavily use "long long" arithmetic.

Eli Marmor
CTO, Founder
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020          8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314          P.O.B. 7004
Mobile: +972-50-23-7338          Kfar-Saba 44641, Israel

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