> wrowe       2002/06/23 21:50:41
>   Added:       include  ap_regkey.h
>                os/win32 ap_regkey.c
>   Log:
>     Introduce win32 registry handling through a very apr-ish interface.
>     Deals with apr utf-8 encoding of filesystem values, so we preserve
>     strings in any locality or nationalized flavor of WinNT, and avoid
>     the gunk for Win9x.
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.1                  httpd-2.0/include/ap_regkey.h

Quick question here.  I just updated to HEAD of httpd-2.0, and
attempted to build (under Linux), only to find that exports.c is
making references to these new functions.  

 undefined reference to `ap_regkey_const'
 undefined reference to `ap_regkey_open'
 undefined reference to `ap_regkey_close'
 undefined reference to `ap_regkey_remove'
 undefined reference to `ap_regkey_value_get'
   collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Are they only implemented for Win32, and if so, what magic must I work
to keep make_exports.awk from noticing ap_regkey.h (which is what I
*think* is going on ... not claiming to fully understand the Apache
build process here)?

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