Hi there,
I would modify parametrs passed as "hidden" in a POST.
I'm workin at the 4 phase:
[#4] validate user id from request, customizing mod_pubcookie.
After validated the user, I would add some information needed by application 
on the backend.
With mod_rewrite I can modify args string.
But actually there is no way to modify post parameters or adding some new 
parameters to them.
I've tried by myself.

In http I can easily managed hidden parameters pointing to 
At that address u can find  them.

But in https this *seems* not to be the right pointer.
I studied  the sources, and I realize that there is no buffer that is exposed 
to be hacked in https.
I end up w/  
ap_hook_call("ap::buff::read", &rv, fb, buf, nbyte)

Someone is so kind to help me?
Is this the right place to post such a query?
Sorry if this is off-topic ;)
thnx in advance

Maurizio Marini                 GSM +39-335-8259739
Milano: c/o CosT Srl    Via Longhi, 13 - 20137 Milano
Tel. Direct (+39)02 45446 202   Fax +39-2-45446333
Pesaro: +39(0)721 54277 fax +39-721-415055 Altamura: +39 (0)80 3105228

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