On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 06:32:56PM -0700, Perry Harrington wrote:
> I cannot for the life of me get Apache to dump a core file.
> I have the Coredirectory set to a writable directory, and I even modified
> the signal handler to simply call abort after chdir.
> I even tried setting the CORE rlimit size to RLIM_INFINITY.
> Does anyone have a clue why this is barfing?
> When I truss the process, it catches the signal and goes about cleaning up,
> the abort doesn't trigger a core file.
> This is driving me batty!
> I have the accept mutex using fcntl locking and I linked it without pthread
> support, so threading shouldn't be the cause.
> I event commented out the SIGABRT handlers so it would default to the system
> handler.
> Solaris 2.6 system, latest cluster bunch.

As I understand it, this is default behavior on Solaris when running
binaries that have called setuid().

See /etc/coreadm.com and coreadm(1M) for a way to override this.


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