
I've got an update problem regarding apache 1.3.24/2.0.39 and a home-grown
server-push webcam CGI. The CGI continuously reads images from the cam,
compresses them into JPEGs and puts them together into a
multipart/x-mixed-replace stream to produce a poor-man's video with

With apache-1.3.x the CGI detected that the connection to the browser was
closed by getting an error back when writing to standard output because
apache automatically closed down the pipe to the CGI as well.

Now after upgrading to apache-2.0.39 the cgi never gets the error and
therefore never stops delivering pictures to nowhere. My guess is that
apache tries to discard all remaining script output by reading until EOF
before closing the pipe which in my case results in the script carrying on

I've tried to install the script as nph- but that resulted in the browser
showing the data literally because it somehow got the MIME type wrong/not
at all.

Now my questions are:
Is my guess regarding the discard of remaining output right?
Can it be switched off?
How can I get the nph- approach get to work properly?

Thanks in advance for your help.
bye, Micha

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