The same patch reworked for Apache 2.0.

Justin, I had a look through filter examples but didn't feel confident
to undertake writing one. Maybe in the next version of the patch...

--- mod_log_config.c.original   Tue Aug 20 15:12:32 2002
+++ mod_log_config.c    Tue Aug 20 15:39:09 2002
@@ -153,9 +153,11 @@
  *         'X' = connection aborted before the response completed.
  *         '+' = connection may be kept alive after the response is sent.
  *         '-' = connection will be closed after the response is sent.
-           (This directive was %...c in late versions of Apache 1.3, but
-            this conflicted with the historical ssl %...{var}c syntax.)
+ *         (This directive was %...c in late versions of Apache 1.3, but
+ *         this conflicted with the historical ssl %...{var}c syntax.)
+ * %...I:  bytes received, including request and headers, cannot be zero
+ * %...O:  bytes sent, including headers, cannot be zero
+ *
  * The '...' can be nothing at all (e.g. "%h %u %r %s %b"), or it can
  * indicate conditions for inclusion of the item (which will cause it
  * to be replaced with '-' if the condition is not met).  Note that
@@ -594,6 +596,67 @@
     return "-";
+ * Header length function to work with apr_table_do()
+ *
+ * This and log_bytes_recv_all() and log_bytes_sent_all() is reworked from
+ * Simone Tellini's mod_accounting:
+ *
+ */
+static int get_header_len(void *count, const char *key, const char *val) {
+    /* Header name, colon, space, header value, CRLF */
+    *((long *)count) += strlen(key) + strlen(val) + 4;
+    return 1;
+static const char *log_bytes_recv_all(request_rec *r, char *a)
+    /* Request length, CRLF and another CRLF after headers */
+    long recv = strlen(r->the_request) + 4; /* Never zero */
+    const char *clen = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Content-Length" );
+    /* Add length of headers */
+    apr_table_do(get_header_len, &recv, r->headers_in, NULL);
+    if (clen) /* We checked the value makes sense in http_protocol.c */
+        recv += atol(clen);
+    return apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%ld", recv);
+static const char *log_bytes_sent_all(request_rec *r, char *a)
+    long sent;
+    char *date = apr_palloc(r->pool, APR_RFC822_DATE_LEN);
+    ap_recent_rfc822_date(date, r->request_time);
+    /* Headers that don't make it into headers tables
+     * "HTTP/x.x " + CRLF = 11 bytes
+     * "Server: " + CRLF  = 10 bytes
+     * "Date: " + CRLF    =  8 bytes
+     * CRLF after headers =  2 bytes --> Total = 31 bytes */
+    sent = strlen(r->status_line) + strlen(ap_get_server_version()) +
+           strlen(date) + 31;
+    /* Add regular and error headers */
+    apr_table_do(get_header_len, &sent, r->headers_out, NULL);
+    apr_table_do(get_header_len, &sent, r->err_headers_out, NULL);
+    /* Is the browser bug being avoided?
+     * If so, header "X-Pad: avoid browser bug" will be added and a CRLF
+     * 26 bytes in total */
+    if (sent >= 255 && sent <= 257)
+        sent += 26;
+    if (!r->header_only)
+        sent += r->bytes_sent;
+    return apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%ld", sent);
  * Parsing the log format string
@@ -1272,6 +1335,8 @@
         log_pfn_register(p, "T", log_request_duration, 1);
         log_pfn_register(p, "U", log_request_uri, 1);
         log_pfn_register(p, "s", log_status, 1);
+        log_pfn_register(p, "I", log_bytes_recv_all, 0);
+        log_pfn_register(p, "O", log_bytes_sent_all, 0);
     return OK;
--- mod_log_config.html.en.original     Tue Aug 20 15:21:05 2002
+++ mod_log_config.html.en      Tue Aug 20 15:22:24 2002
@@ -135,6 +135,12 @@
 this conflicted with the historical ssl %...{var}c 
+<td>Bytes received, including request and headers, cannot be zero.</td></tr>
+<td>Bytes sent, including headers, cannot be zero.</td></tr>
     <p>The "..." can be nothing at all (<em>e.g.</em>, <code>"%h %u
@@ -346,4 +352,4 @@
    TransferLog logs/access_log
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